Friday, March 20, 2020

Re-shoot Blog: The Coronavirus Outbreak

          After my group and I finished editing our film, we had a decent product. We tried to think of things we could do to improve our product because we wanted our film to be the best it could possibly be. My group and I then realized that some of our scenes could be improved by reshooting them. My group and I all joined a group FaceTime call and decided on a day to reshoot these scenes. This was a perfect idea yet bad timing. Unfortunately, we were not able to reshoot any of our scenes as a disease known as the coronavirus unexpectedly started to rapidly spread across the world. As a result of this outbreak, my school ended up shutting down and we are now expected to stay in quarantine until further notice. After this was announced, my groupmates and I created another group FaceTime call and talked about the situation that we were in referring to not only our re shooting plans but our health as well. After some discussion, we decided to cancel our re-shooting plans as we came to the conclusion that it was too dangerous. We realized that reshooting some of our scenes was not mandatory so we decided to keep the footage that we have and put our health first.
          After deciding to cancel our reshooting plans, my group and I tried to think of any more ideas to improve our film. We knew that we couldn’t reshoot any footage leaving us with only one thing left to do; watch our film and fix any editing mistakes. One Of the two scenes that we were going to reshoot only had a small lighting issue. I tried to think of many ways this could be fixed. After a lot of brainstorming, I remembered that we filmed some of our scenes more than once just in case an issue as this occurred. Luckily, this scene was one of the scenes that we shot more than once. As a result of this, my group and I had to search through our deleted footage to find the specific scene that had bad lighting. After about 10 minutes of searching through our deleted footage, my group and I were thrilled as we found the piece of footage that was needed. As a result of our findings, we were able to switch the footage that had bad lighting with footage that had much better lighting and quality. Switching this footage not only made our film appear more professional, but will allow our film to be more enjoyable to the audience that craves higher quality footage.

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