Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

            My group and I just finished filming our footage for our Gatorade commercial. Before filming day, I went to the store and bought two bottles of Gatorade that were different colors. I also packed my soccer outfit with included black spandex, a black Adidas shirt, black soccer socks, and my clack cleats. I used many items when filming the commercial. These items included a Gatorade bottle, size 5 soccer ball, camera, tripod, soccer goal, and a spray bottle. Throughout this filming process, I learned special features of the camera and tripod. I had the opportunity to visualize how to properly use the SD card reader and camera. I also had the opportunity to physically hold the SD card, camera, and tripod for the first time this year and got to inspect all of these items. When looking through the camera's screen, I got to visualize how close or far, or how high or low you have to be when holding the camera to film specific shots that were required. These shots and angles included close-ups, long shots, medium-long shots, tilts, and tracking shots (we tried out best to keep the camera steady when filming this shot).
            During the filming process, I used many props and items such as bottles of Gatorade, a soccer ball, a camera, a tripod, and a spray bottle. Each of these items was very helpful and played an important position for our footage. When referring to the bottles of Gatorade, there were many shots of me slowly drinking the energy drink with my eyes closed to interpret that it was very delicious and refreshing. My group also filmed me forcefully slamming the bottle of Gatorade on the bleachers to create a good ending or a transition for our commercial. The soccer ball was also used by me as my group members filmed me juggling and kicking the soccer ball into the goal. There were also a few shots of me holding the soccer under my arm. I used the camera to film a shot of track runners at a starting block as well as film some footage of an individual doing yoga in multiple positions. When referring to the tripod, my group and I connected the camera to it and used the tripod to film a steady shot of the track runners. The last prop or item I used during the filming process was a spray bottle. I used the spray bottle to spray my face and neck to show a sweating effect as if I was playing soccer for a long time and working hard. I also used the spray bottle to spray the bottles of Gatorade to make the drink look more appealing and refreshing.
            Finally, I will explain my role in the filming process and the steps I took during my part. The first video that was recorded during my part was me juggling the soccer ball with my feet. My group members took a few shots so we could pick the best clip for our commercial. The second activity I completed during my part was dribbling the ball then shooting it into the net. My group members filmed this activity multiple times from different angles and heights. I also kicked the soccer ball in the net while one of my group members was recording from inside the net as well as protecting the camera from getting damaged. This footage may or may not be used to create a cool jump cut to another scene of our commercial. After my group members recorded me completing that activity, I was sprayed with the spray bottle on my face and neck to look sweaty to prepare for the next activity. After I was sprayed, I was recorded while I drank the Gatorade slowly holding the soccer ball under my arm as I made it obvious that I was enjoying the energy drink. My group took a couple more shots of me drinking the Gatorade from different angles to ensure that we will be happy with the result of our commercial and that we have backup footage just in case there was a mistake in the shots we took.

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