Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

            Hello, my name is Nadia as you may already know. Throughout my filming journey, I obtained lots of essential knowledge. Today is the beginning of something awesome, the final task. The final task will be the longest and most important film created this year out of all the previous tasks. All of the previous tasks were created and developed through the power of teamwork. I’ve had the same group for all tasks that were assigned including the upcoming final task. All of the individuals in my group including myself, work extremely well together. My group consists of 4 individuals known as Jade, Katia, Sophia, and myself, Nadia. During the start of our filming journey at the start of the school year, we were familiar with one another however, we had never spoken to each other. Over the months that we worked together, we have all gotten extremely close and all share a unique bond. Working with my group initially makes my film making journey extremely fun and special to me as we create unique and exquisite products together.
            When coming into this class at the beginning of the school year, I knew slim to nothing about the studies of media and film. Almost all of my knowledge about media and film was provided to me by my teachers through this magnificent class. Everything I learned this year has made me capable of creating unique and creative products. The most important thing I learned this year was how to work and set up the equipment known as the camera and the tripod. I also learned and got used to using the technology that was needed to upload and edit footage. Lastly, I also learned how to edit the footage to create products that are not only entertaining but unique as well. When starting and completing the final task, all of these skills that I’ve learned this year will be used. Along with these skills, many talents will be used when creating the final task as well. My specific talents I will use during the final task are my artistic abilities and my acting skills. My artistic abilities will help me when creating the storyboard to make it look as professional as possible. Lastly, using my acting skills will make the final task look as realistic and interesting as possible.
            Before starting the final task, one essential thing I had to know was the definition of a pitch. Being able to understand the concept of a pitch was very important before starting the final task or failure will occur. There are many different types of ways that a pitch can be explained. A pitch is simply a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated. I pitch is 25 words or less constructed in one sentence. My group and I decided to brainstorm pitch ideas together. Some of us didn’t agree on many pitch ideas so we had to find a solution and decide on something that we all liked. We finally came to a conclusion to base our final task on the theme of horror. We all agreed that horror films can be filmed in a dark and creepy place. This would make it convenient for my group and I as this setting can be easily created with a dark house and creepy music.
            My group and I worked long and hard to create the start of a well-constructed pitch. This shows my group and I using teamwork to our advantage and creating productivity.


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