Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing blog for music video

          Today we started editing our footage for our music video. I was excited to see the results of all of our footage come together to create our final music video. After we finished filming all of our footage, we all decided to go to one of my group member's house to start editing. Once we all arrived at the house, we went upstairs and got to work immediately. When we started editing, we imported all the footage onto the computer oh yeah that we decided to edit with. Once we imported our footage, we uploaded it to iMovie. When it was uploaded, all of the footage was in the incorrect order that we wanted. Because of this, we decided to rearrange the footage before we started editing to make the editing process much easier. We finally organized our footage to start cropping and reducing the time of your footage. We had to do this because our time limit of all of our footage went passed the maximum time that our music video could be.
          After cropping some of our footage, we decided to add in our song. This allowed us to match certain beats with scenes in the footage. This creates very smooth transitions between many shots. Transitions were added to our video during the editing process as well. When we added the music with transitions, our footage was still longer than the maximum time limit. Because of this, we had to crop our clips again to get the time under the maximum time limit. When we finally got under the maximum time limit, we were so happy that we finally succeeded. After this, we decided to add a special effect. The purpose of this is to create a more realistic effect when relating to a music video. This will also express creativity and shows the style of my group members and I.
          Once we finished cutting our footage and adding transmissions, the special effect we included was a freeze-frame. This occurs at the end of our music video with all of us jumping in the air. After the freeze frame, the screen goes black and that where our music video ends. After including this, we had to go through our video and take out all original background noises and sounds of our voices out. This allows the audience to only hear the music and not unwanted sounds. If these were not edited out, the film would be very sloppy and unprofessional. Once we took out the original background sound, we decided to go back and watch the entire video. We didn't think that there would be any mistakes but there were. We noticed that some clips were too long and not relevant making the following scene choppy and not logical. After we edited some more of this footage, we watched our music video again and we believed that our job was done here as our music video was exactly how we wanted it.

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